Missed the 50th Anniversary Open House? Here are the Videos! AlumniSandra MoscosoOctober 12, 202150 year anniversary, alumni reunion, virtual open house
50th Anniversary Open House is Friday, Oct 8 - Bring on the 10s and (gulp) 20s! AlumniSandra MoscosoOctober 1, 2021alumni reunion, 50 year anniversary
Celebrating 90s and 00s in Anticipation of Next Week's 50th Anniversary Open House! AlumniSandra MoscosoSeptember 28, 2021alumni reunion, 50 year anniversary
The SWWHS 50th Anniversary Open House is 2 Weeks Away - Let's Hear it for the 70s and 80s!! AlumniSandra MoscosoSeptember 22, 2021alumni reunion, 50 year anniversary
Update on School Without Walls High School 50th Anniversary Events AlumniSandra MoscosoSeptember 17, 202150 year anniversary, alumni reunion
Join Mayor Bowser at a Ceremony Honoring SWWHS' 50th Anniversary: May 12 @ 11AM Alumni, Penguin PridePresident SWWHSAMay 4, 202150 year anniversary, alumni reunion
Congratulations to 50 Years of Excellence at SWWHS, on Behalf of DME Kihn and Chancellor Ferebee AlumniPresident SWWHSAMay 4, 2021alumni reunion, 50 year anniversary