Local School Advisory Team (LSAT)
About LSAT
Every DC Public School is required to have a Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) which is composed of elected teachers, parents, non-instructional staff, a WTU representative, a student, and a community member representative. The role of the LSAT is to advise the principal and SWWHS administration in a number of ways including:
School culture, student achievement and family engagement
Assessment and implementation of the Comprehensive School Plan (CSP) (See CSP for School Year 23-24 here).
Alignment with strategic goals/objectives of DCPS
Allocation of school resources and to sign off on the budget
Additional issues as they arise
The LSAT also has specific, required roles as outlined by the contract with the Washington Teachers Union and the Elementary and Secondary School Education Act (ESEA).
DCPS’ LSAT Guidelines can be found HERE.
Meetings are held monthly on the first Wednesday of every month at 5:30 pm and are open to the public. On occasion a meeting or parts of a meeting may be closed to the public due to discussions involving confidential personnel information as outlined in WTU contract. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, all meetings are virtual, please look out for meeting registration email via Jupiter.
LSAT Members 2024-2025
Sylvia Isaac, Principal
Latoya Grant, Assistant Principal
Jenny Tully, Assistant Principal
Faculty Representatives:
Carlton Ackerman, Teacher co-chair (carlton.ackerman@k12.dc.gov)
Jan McGlennon
Kathryn Moore
Adam Vrooman
Union Representative:
Art Klawender
Non-Instructional Staff Representative:
Kip Smith
Student Representative:
Community Member Representative:
John Ralls
SWW Home and School Association (HSA) Representative:
Christy Leavitt, HSA Rep (HSA.LSATRep@swwhsa.org)
Parent Representatives:
Dana Springer, Parent co-chair (LSATChair@swwhsa.org)
Valerie Boykin-Pair (LSATRep1@swwhsa.org)
Niki Sprinzen (LSATRep2@swwhsa.org)
Monee Thomas (LSATRep3@swwhsa.org)
scheduled LSAT meetings for the 2024-2025 school year:
September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4, 2024
January 8, February 5, March 3 &4, April 2, May 7, June 4, 2025
Subscribe to the school calendar to keep up with any scheduling changes.