50th Anniversary Open House is Friday, Oct 8 - Bring on the 10s and (gulp) 20s!
It’s almost time for the 50th Anniversary Open House and we’re going to bring it home with the 2010s and 2020s!
10s.. 🤳🏽🤳🏽🤳🏽
2018 Trip to Cuzo
Allyn SCHULBAUM, Class of 2011 can’t wait to see Ms. Tyson, Ms.Piper, and Ms.Briggs.
Kelsea JOHNSON, Class of 2013, is now co-founder of Stirred Stories, an independent publishing company dedicated to uplifting marginalized voices.
Marcelle SNEAD, Class of 2014 is a Operations Coordinator in Pricing Analytics
2019 DCIAA Soccer Champions (photo credit: Washington Post)