Two-Hour Delay Tomorrow: Important Scheduling Notification

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February 1, 2021

Hello Walls Community,

We were notified this evening that DCPS will run on a two-hour delay tomorrow, Tuesday, February 2, 2021. ALL classes will begin at 11:35am. Please read this information carefully as there are changes to students’ schedules both virtually and in-person.

Virtual Students
Students who are virtual should log-on to their 2nd period class at 11:35am, and follow their schedule regularly after that. Students should use their teachers’ regularly scheduled Teams invites to log on to synchronous classes, starting with 2nd period at 11:35am. Schedule below.

CARES/In-Person Students
Students who report in-person on Tuesdays should report two-hours after their scheduled staggered arrival times. This means:

Cohort #2 reports at 11am-11:10am
Cohort #4 reports at 11:15am-11:20am
Cohort #6 reports at 11:10am-11:15am
Cohort #7 reports at 11:20am-11:25am

We know that transportation/commutes may run slow. Please be safe and we will welcome students as they arrive. Students will receive health checks prior to entering the building. As a reminder, if your student is feeling sick, has been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or if you have recently traveled, please stay home.

Once students are in classrooms, they will log-on to their 2nd period class at 11:30am, and follow their schedule regularly after that. Students should use their teachers’ regularly scheduled Teams invites to log on to synchronous classes, starting with 2nd period at 11:30am. Schedule below:

Tuesday (Day 2)

1st Period Canceled due to 2-hr delay

Period 2

Period 3 (Lunch 1)

Period 4 (Lunch 2)

Period 5

Please reach out to administration if there are any questions, or concerns, regarding the schedule or if your student is having trouble logging in. We look forward to seeing all of our students in their synchronous classes and look forward to having some of our students in the building!

Thank you,

SWW Administration