Week 1 SY2021: Update from the Walls Administration

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September 4, 2020

Good Evening School Without Walls Families,

We hope all students had a good 1st week of school. Our faculty, staff, and administration are excited to see our students in virtual classes, and engaged with their teachers. While our teachers have/will engage in teaching and learning, during the 1st two weeks of school a major focus is Social Emotional Learning.

School administration believes that a good start to the school year is to ensure our students feel valued and affirmed in the school community. This means building positive relationships with our students is a major part of our work. Therefore, administration, faculty, and staff are committed to establishing norms that promote positive interactions with School Without Walls students throughout the school year.

Administration would like to announce that students may drop off textbooks at the high school from the previous school year Wednesday, September 9, 2020 from 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. Students will report to the Commons and drop off their textbooks. In addition, students who need a calculator for a math class, may check out a calculator next Wednesday. Students should check in with their teachers if there are questions about textbook use for the current school year. All persons entering the high school must wear a mask and social distance.

School Without Walls students who need a laptop must communicate with Mr. Danny Ware, Business Manager. Mr. Ware may be contacted at: Danny.Ware@k12.dc.gov. Mr. Ware will schedule a time for students to report to the building to sign out a laptop. Please take note at this time the school does not have hot spots or laptops with hot spots. Administration will notify families when additional technology is delivered to the high school.

Mr. Trogisch, Ms. Hanley, and I would like to thank families for your support and involvement in School Without Walls. We welcome parent involvement and encourage families to join The Home and School Association. Please communicate with the HSA President Sandra Moscoso at president@swwhsa.org if you have questions about parent activities and involvement in the school.

We hope all will have a nice and rested Labor Day Holiday Weekend!

SWW Administration 


Richard Trogisch, Principal, richard.trogisch@k12.dc.gov 

Sylvia Isaac, Associate Principal, sylvia.isaac@k12.dc.gov 

Megan Hanley, Assistant Principal, megan.hanley@k12.dc.gov