A Message from Principal Richard Trogisch – March 23, 2020


March 23, 2020

School Without Walls Community,

We are going through some difficult times as the Coronavirus has had a major influence on how we are able to educate your children. Together, as a united family, I believe that we will be able to meet all the challenges presented to us as a school community to educate your children and our students.

We believe that School Without Walls operates as a strong school community and family. We believe that every child can learn and be successful in a positive healthy learning environment and culture. Teachers at SWW, are all fully certified and were hired because of their training and love for children. We expect parents to be our partners in the education of their children. We believe that your participation in your student’s education is a necessity, in order to ensure that the students understand and see that their parents recognize the importance of education. Strong parental support of students helps guarantee their success in school and thereby helps to make their dreams a reality.

All students will continue to be taught the four R’s which we started on day one of school. They are: Respect yourself, Respect others, Respect property and Respect the Rights of Others to Learn. The other key message delivered to the students was that they MUST “Demand Their Education”! Students must ask questions and for help when they do not understand a concept being taught. The faculty has been told that failure is not an option at School Without Walls High School. They are determined to help students learn and be successful in every way possible. Now during the Coronavirus it is imperative that they ask questions of their teachers even more to ensure that they have learned the concepts and skills being taught.

The Administrative team; Associate Principal Sylvia Isaac, Assistant Principal Megan Hanley and I are available to address your concerns and needs. We welcome parent communication to include phone calls, emails, questions and ideas as we continue to strive to be the BEST school in DCPS.

Richard Trogisch