SY21-22 HSA Executive Board and LSAT Representative Elections - Candidate Bios

We’re excited to announced the candidates for SY21-22 HSA Executive Board and LSAT Representatives.

Ballots will be distributed to the SWWHS General Body via email, on Sunday, May 16, 2021 and will be collected via google form through May 28, 2021.

Results will be announced at the HSA General Body meeting on Wednesday, June 2 @ 5:30pm (followed by LSAT meeting at 6:00pm).

HSA Executive Board Candidates


Maan Sacdalan - Nominated by Sanda Blank

Maan Sacdalan is currently the fundraising chair, at-large board member, gala co-chair 50th Anniversary committee member at School Without Walls. Trivia night, Paella night, and the Gala Auction are a few of the campaigns she ran in the last two years. She also implemented a new text-to-give and online giving platform, ran Giving Tuesday, year-end, and teacher appreciation campaigns, helping raise necessary funds to support School Without Walls.

As HSA President, she is eager to support Principal Isaac, the amazing teachers, staff and parents as Wall's transitions to a "new normal". With the continued support of our parent volunteers and herself, she would also like to maintain and possibly streamline the communication and fundraising systems our HSA executive board members have worked hard to maintain.

Maan Sacdalan is mom to Ryden Pahang, an incoming junior, class of 2023. Since 2010, Maan has volunteered as fundraising, gala-chair, communications and president in her son's elementary, middle and highschool PTA/HSA executive boards. A nonprofit communication and development professional with 15 years of experience in graphic & web design and development, she is known to be creative, a proactive problem solver and the most enthusiastic and dedicated member of the team. Go Penguins!

Maan Sacdalan - Nominated by Buwon Tran

Hello, Nomination Committee Chairs! Last year, I met Maan through fundraising efforts for Walls, and during our community efforts to get Principal Trogisch reinstated. Then, I saw her again on May 12th at the Walls 50th Anniversary banner unveiling/celebration.

In our interactions, Maan is very energetic, and passionate about Walls. She shared her ideas eagerly and was always very personable. In addition, Maan tried to get me to be even more involved with Walls activities. I, therefore, am nominating her for President of the SWWHSA. Maan’s leadership skills and dedication will be necessary to help lead our HSA organization and community to its next chapter (post-COVID🙏). Thank you for your positive consideration of her!


Vice President

Samantha Caruth - Nominated by Self

Samantha Caruth is parent of 10th grader Liyah and Class of 2020 alum Rajah. She has been actively engaged in the Walls school community for several years, and has gained robust experience supporting her children’s schools throughout their elementary and middle years. In her school communities she has worn several hats--serving as an LSAT member, a PTA Vice President and a PTA president, as a school rep to the Ward 6 schools parent organization, on principal search committees and in teacher appreciation efforts, and has fully engaged in many initiatives focused on student success, teacher and staff support, parent engagement and community-building. Professionally, she has worked in the classroom and in school administration, on diversity hiring and on educational access and equity for students in varied educational settings, and seeks to continue to strengthen our School’s community by serving as Vice President of the SWW HSA in the 2021-22 school year.


Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer for Boosters

Dawn Leijon - Nominated by Gina Lynn Anderson

Dawn has been a Walls parent since 2015. Her 2 sons have graduated and her daughter is currently a sophomore. Dawn’s background is in marketing, strategy and product management. Currently she is teaching MBA classes for Virginia Tech and managing 10 rental properties, plus she runs a small farmers market cookie business from May-December. Dawn became heavily involved with the baseball team several years ago and organizes their cookie fundraiser every December. She’s been helping to set up the Walls Athletics Booster club over the past year and is currently serving as its secretary/treasurer. She has coordinated Walls teams and clubs to raise over $40,000 in the last 3 years by baking and selling cookies, pies and brownies. Perhaps most importantly, she loves Excel, and she's willing to learn Quickbooks :)


Assistant Treasurer for Model UN

Marilyn Nowalk - Nominated by Self

Marilyn Nowalk is the mother of Alex Kirk, SWW ‘22. When not managing the Tech/Digital/Marketing PMO for a national financial services company, she loves supporting Model UN and it’s operations. She started with the team in 2017 as a travel chaperone, and then officially became the parent sponsor for the team in 2019. She looks forward to SY 2021-22 allowing the return to travel and traditional delegations and in-person conferences. Marilyn is grateful to the HSA for its support of the Model UN team, and its contribution to the accessibility of this activity for all SWW students. Conferences and travel can become expensive quickly, and the HSA subsidies assures participation is limited only by interest and effort, as opposed to income.



Gina Lynn Anderson - Nominated by Self

In my day job, I am a lawyer with a practice focusing on estates, trusts and probate. I have had the pleasure of serving for the last two years as the HSA treasurer. I look forward to the opportunity to keep working with the HSA to help Walls grow into an even better school for the next 50 years! (More complete bio can be found at


At-Large (Vote for up to 8)

Sandra Moscoso - Nominated by Self

I'm the parent of 12th grader Alex and 9th grader, Wyndham. I have served 2 terms as president of the SWWHSA. In partnership with a rockstar Board, I'm proud to have established regular communications, offered opportunities for our community to connect during the pandemic, supported the treasurer in managing finances, led our community through a few layers of crisis, and worked with citywide advocates to cancel PARCC testing this Spring, and to restore staffing cuts across schools, including our own.

By day, I am an international development consultant focused on government transparency and citizen engagement policy, programs, and systems. I’m a board member of the Ward 6 Public Schools Parent Organization (W6PSPO), of the Ward 2 Ed Council, and of the DC Open Government Coalition. I have been fortunate that work has made it possible for me to see a fair bit of the world, but admit I am happiest enjoying pizza with friends and family on Friday nights. I can’t wait to do that again. (Please get vaccinated so you can join me!)


Karen Quarles - Nominated by Self

As a parent of a rising Junior, I share with many of you this roller coaster of an experience as she started in person her freshman year only to go home abruptly that Spring and spend her entire sophomore year in a virtual environment. I have watched and engaged with the school leadership, teachers, HSA, and families to find opportunities to connect through in person meet ups for parents, clubs for the kids, athletics, and other activities. As a member of the HSA Board, I believe I can work to continue and strengthen those engagement opportunities. Additionally, I currently serve as the lead for our school's Angel Fund which provides monetary support to Walls students who have experienced hardships. The Angel Fund is made possible by donations from other Walls families and through the support of the Board. I have seen first hand the impact of this generosity and hope to continue to support the Fund as a Board member.


Shandrika Donawa-Johnkins - Nominated by Self

Shandrika Donawa Johnkins is the proud parent of DiMarco Luis Johnkins he is a junior at school Without Walls. Shandrika has done 2 years as member of HSA (Member-at-Large). In this capacity she has spoke out at hearings about the needs of students with and without 504's or IEP's, especially during the pandemic. Shandrika has also spoke at hearings about re-instating our principal, undesirable budget cuts (in fact, I was quoted in the Washington Post). As, a member, Shandrika encourage her son to use social media to address the mayor's budgets cuts, as a student with a 504 plan Lastly, I supported the protested the PARCC and actively participated with her family in the Black Lives Matter protest. I hope to join the HSA (and LSAT) and bring a new perspective as a parent of an African American Male with a 504. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Jane Tobler - Nominated by Self

Jane’s introduction to D.C. public schools began in 1994 when she tutored with students who lived in the Barry Farms and Arthur Capper public housing projects. Fast forward to today—the city is a very different place, she’s a little older (and much wiser), and she still cares deeply about DC schools. She has a rising Junior and a graduating Senior at Walls. (Though she can’t believe the latter is true. :)

She proudly serves as an HSA At Large member and supports the HSA’s social media outreach. She has served as an emcee for Walls’ Trivia Night, hosted In-Person Meet Ups, and is looking forward to seeing parents, teachers, and students in PERSON on G Street next year.

She is a founding member of the Two Rivers PCS PSA and served on the Board of Directors for Two Rivers PCS. She also served on the Board of Trustees for the Little Scholars Child Development Center.

A communications professional, Jane has more than 25 years of experience working to elevate critical issues and motivate change in communities and nationwide. She is committed to helping communities, nonprofits and government agencies leverage resources and work strategically to improve outcomes and work toward a more just and equitable society. She is excited to continue working with the Walls community!


Malene Lawrence - Nominated by Self

My name is Malene Lawrence and I’m interested in serving as an At-Large Member of the SWW HSA and as a formal Member of the Local School Advisory Team (LSAT). Our family has been a part the School Without Walls HS Family since 2017 when our son, Curtis Lawrence, III entered as a Freshman – now a graduating Class of 2021 Senior. Our son Corey Lawrence joined the Penguin Nation in 2019 and will be a rising Junior, Class of 2023!

Our family, consisting of my husband, Curtis, Jr. (a 6-12th Grade Principal), Curtis, III and Corey, live in Ward 5’s neighborhood of Ft. Lincoln. With over 20+ years experience in public education, I’ve had the pleasure of working with students & families as a K-5 classroom teacher, middle school English teacher, Literacy Coach and Dean of Students and Culture in New York City; Brodheadsville, PA; San Antonio, TX; and now here in the District.

My professional and parent involvement experiences have also included co-founding two secondary public schools in Brooklyn, NY & writing the school culture handbook for both schools; serving as the Parent Liaison at TAG Young Scholars, Curtis’ former city-wide public school for Gifted & Talented students; PTA President for three years at IDEA Public Schools in TX and the PTA Vice-President and then President of Howard University MS2 and currently a Parent Member of the school’s Board of Trustees. In 2018 I co-founded DMV NSBE, Jr, a Youth STEM Non-Profit and chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers at Howard University, whose goal is to provide early STEM exposure to K-12 students from underserved and underrepresented communities across the District. In 2019 I was chosen to serve on the DCPS Chancellor’s Advisory Board where my primary focus has been on the College and Career Committee.

Having previously served on as a member of the SWW LSAT & HSA, it would be my honor to again lend my wide range of experiences to proudly serve the School Without Walls community for the 2021-22 School Year. Thank you in advance.


Deidra Barksdale - Nominated by Self

Deidra M. Barksdale is a CPA with over 26 years of finance and internal control acumen. She is currently employed at UNCF as Director of Financial Services where she provides financial and analytical support to various programs including the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, a $1.6 billion dollar initiative funded by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the UNCF STEM Scholars Program, a $20 million grant from the Fund II Foundation, as well as UNCF’s $50 million Career Pathways Initiative. Prior to joining UNCF, Deidra was the CFO of Center City Public Charter Schools (2009-2011) and Community Academy Public Charter Schools (2007-2009).

Deidra has previously held positions with Alice Deal's Community Association in the role of Treasurer, and with John Eaton’s Home and School Association in the roles of Co-President and Treasurer. Deidra has two children, a rising 11th grader at Wilson and and 9th grader at Walls. Deidra and her husband have always been active in the community and she excited to be working with School Without Walls families.


Elizabeth Dranitzke - Nominated by Self

I am a DC native, small business owner and parent of Walls Senior Petra Rose Cantwell. I have enjoyed volunteering as an At-Large member of the HSA for the past two years, especially getting to know other SWW parents and our wonderful staff and leadership. As a professional photographer with a background in community outreach I would like to work with the art department and students to document life at Walls. We were hoping to that last year, but..... These updated photos can be featured on the website and yearbook, and support the communication and fundraising efforts of the HSA.


Chidi Azikiwe - Nominated by Self

My name is Chidi Azikiwe, I am the proud parent of three students at Walls. I was born in Nigeria, though an American citizen. I am a nurse. I want to volunteer my services as an at large member to give back to our school community which is offering my children quality education.


LSAT Board Parent Representative Candidates

Esperanza Román Mendoza - Nominated by Self

I am a professor of Spanish Linguistics and Online Learning at George Mason University, and a proud parent of a rising 11th grader, Mani. As an educator with 25+ years of experience, I am a strong advocate for public education and shared governance. I have served as SWW LSAT member during 2020-2021 and am looking forward to representing parents on the LSAT again during 2021-2022. I would like to apply the invaluable experience I have gained as an LSAT member during this difficult year, which has forced the whole SWW community to adapt to new academic realities and to respond to many challenges on all fronts. I will also bring my previous experience as parent representative at Oyster-Adams (OA) and The School within the School—where I was highly involved with different academic, administrative, and extra-curricular initiatives such as school actions, field trips, free tutoring in Spanish, and book fairs. I was room parent and school communications translator for many years and served on the search committee for the current school principal at OA. I was also an LSAT member at OA for several terms.

As I have proved during this year, I am committed to supporting SWW’s values and goals by collaborating with administrators, staff, teachers, parents, students, and community members on the LSAT. I am a hard-worker and very devoted to the success and education of our youth. Thanks for your consideration.


Rob Stephens - Nominated by Marion Babcock and Jane Tobler

Parent of 10th grader. Love SWW and [LSAT]. Helped set up PTA at my son’s charter school and was PTA member for two years.


Marion Babcock - Nominated by Self

Local School Advisory Teams (LSAT) are a key lever to increasing transparency at DCPS and to ensure that decisions which affect our school community are made collaboratively with the help of a diverse group of stakeholders. Being a parent representative for the past two years I have seen how parents can create positive outcomes for our school community. In spite of a turbulent school year filled with losses, change, and disappointment, our ongoing advocacy has helped Walls to maintain our budget, become a more inclusive community, and to insist on COVID safety standards for our school. There is so much for our LSAT to be proud of, yet there is still so much to be done. Next school year our focus must also include traffic safety on campus, restoring and reinvigorating our community and making sure our students have ample opportunities to pursue their interests.

As the parent co-chair of the LSAT, I have faithfully represented SWWHS at monthly SHAPPE (Senior High Alliance of Parents, Principals, and Educators) and C4DC meetings, and testified before hearings with City Council, the Chancellor, the Mayor, and the State Board of Education. I believe that our LSAT must be diligent in our budget advocacy, that we listen to all points of view, and that collaboration is essential to our community’s success. Being a parent of two Walls Alumni, a rising senior and freshman, I understand the value of a Walls education to all of our students. By continuing a strong working relationship with our school leadership team and by representing the parent community, I would welcome a third term as an LSAT parent representative. Thank you for your consideration.


Malene Lawrence - Nominated by Self

My name is Malene Lawrence and I’m interested in serving as an At-Large Member of the SWW HSA and as a formal Member of the Local School Advisory Team (LSAT). Our family has been a part the School Without Walls HS Family since 2017 when our son, Curtis Lawrence, III entered as a Freshman – now a graduating Class of 2021 Senior. Our son Corey Lawrence joined the Penguin Nation in 2019 and will be a rising Junior, Class of 2023!

Our family, consisting of my husband, Curtis, Jr. (a 6-12th Grade Principal), Curtis, III and Corey, live in Ward 5’s neighborhood of Ft. Lincoln. With over 20+ years experience in public education, I’ve had the pleasure of working with students & families as a K-5 classroom teacher, middle school English teacher, Literacy Coach and Dean of Students and Culture in New York City; Brodheadsville, PA; San Antonio, TX; and now here in the District.

My professional and parent involvement experiences have also included co-founding two secondary public schools in Brooklyn, NY & writing the school culture handbook for both schools; serving as the Parent Liaison at TAG Young Scholars, Curtis’ former city-wide public school for Gifted & Talented students; PTA President for three years at IDEA Public Schools in TX and the PTA Vice-President and then President of Howard University MS2 and currently a Parent Member of the school’s Board of Trustees. In 2018 I co-founded DMV NSBE, Jr, a Youth STEM Non-Profit and chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers at Howard University, whose goal is to provide early STEM exposure to K-12 students from underserved and underrepresented communities across the District. In 2019 I was chosen to serve on the DCPS Chancellor’s Advisory Board where my primary focus has been on the College and Career Committee.

Having previously served on as a member of the SWW LSAT & HSA, it would be my honor to again lend my wide range of experiences to proudly serve the School Without Walls community for the 2021-22 School Year. Thank you in advance.


Shandrika Donawa-Johnkins - Nominated by Self

Shandrika Donawa Johnkins is the proud parent of DiMarco Luis Johnkins he is a junior at school Without Walls. Shandrika has done 2 years as member of HSA (Member-at-Large). In this capacity she has spoke out at hearings about the needs of students with and without 504's or IEP's, especially during the pandemic. Shandrika has also spoke at hearings about re-instating our principal, undesirable budget cuts (in fact, I was quoted in the Washington Post). As, a member, Shandrika encourage her son to use social media to address the mayor's budgets cuts, as a student with a 504 plan Lastly, I supported the protested the PARCC and actively participated with her family in the Black Lives Matter protest. I hope to join the HSA (and LSAT) and bring a new perspective as a parent of an African American Male with a 504. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
