SY2021-22 HSA Executive Board and LSAT Elections!


 HSA Board and LSAT Elections for SY2022 will be held online again

Given pandemic social distancing mandates, the HSA and LSAT elections will be held online. We appreciate everyone’s patience, as we work through the process.

Nomination and Elections Committee:

Key Dates:

  • Friday, April 30 - Friday, May 14, 2021: Nominations are due to Nomination Committee 

  • Sunday May 16 - Friday May 28, 2021: Online ballot will open

  • Wednesday, June 2 @ 5:30: Nomination and Elections Committee will announce election results

What to Include in Nomination - Find the nomination form HERE.

  • Name of Nominee

  • HSA Board Role or LSAT Parent Representative for which you are nominating the Nominee

  • Short Bio of Nominee (1-2 paragraphs)

Roles and Role Descriptions

Election Ballot (opens May 16)

  • Ballots will be distributed to the SWWHS General Body via email, on Sunday, May 16, 2021 and will be collected via google form through May 28, 2021.

Results will be announced at the HSA General Body meeting on Wednesday, June 2 @ 5:30pm (followed by LSAT meeting at 6:00pm).