Admin Update on Term 4 and Planning for Summer 2021 Programming

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Hello Walls Community,

We hope this message finds our community healthy and hopeful. This message is to update you on SWW’s Term 4 plans, summer programming, and invite you to attend the LSAT Meeting on 3/17 at 5:30pm.

For Term 3, SWW has built an in-person program that has provided students the opportunity to return to the building on Mondays and Tuesdays for CARES classroom, and Wednesdays for non-instructional days with staff. We have received positive feedback from our attending students and our staff are happy to be interacting with students in-person.

Term 4 Update
SWW will maintain our current model for Term 4. This was mentioned and discussed in the LSAT meeting on 3/3 (Powerpoint below) as well as the HSA Coffee Chat on 2/12. We have offered limited additional seats for Term 3 based on academic/social-emotional needs, in collaboration with our mental health team. Continue to communicate to your school counselor to ensure your student is receiving the support that they require at this time. CARES classrooms will continue to run on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Non-Instructional classes with teachers will continue to run on Wednesdays. If you are interested in a seat for your student in Term for, please fill out the survey below.

Survey for Students to Return In-Person for Term 4, Due March 26th:

Summer Planning
As we plan for a successful end to the year and develop summer programming, we want to hear your thoughts and feedback. Please fill out the survey below to provide your input on summer and future planning.

Future Planning Family Feedback Survey, Due March 17th:

LSAT Meeting on Wednesday, 3/17
Please join us for an LSAT Meeting on Wednesday, March 17th at 5:30pm where Term 4 and summer programming updates will be provided. If you are interested in attending, [please check your email for link]. You will receive the link to the meeting prior to 5:20pm on Wednesday, March 17th.

Panorama Survey
If you have not already filled out the Panorama Family Survey, please do so soon! Find the survey here: (it only takes a few minutes!). The Panorama Survey is designed to get feedback from all stakeholders to measure a school’s academic progress and effectiveness on student engagement. This information will support planning for the upcoming school year.

Thank you and we look forward to engaging you to develop a plan for the success of all students.

SWW Administration

LSAT 3/3 Meeting Powerpoint: