2024 HSA Board and LSAT Nominations!

Did you know that the HSA has a budget of over $100,000 a year that is used to enrich student and faculty activities at School Without Walls?  In addition, the HSA provides an invaluable service of creating community among students, families and staff by running social and enrichment events.

The LSAT -- which meets once a month, usually on Wednesdays from 5.30 to 7.00 PM -- provides needed advocacy and input on school policies and procedures and the ever important DCPS budget.  Parent and guardian representatives who can be tireless advocates for our school are needed for this role. LSAT "

Please consider nominating yourself or another parent or guardian for the Home & School Association  Board, or as a parent or guardian representative on the Local School Advisory Team for school year 2023-2024.  This is your chance to make wonderful friends and have a positive impact on our school community.  To nominate yourself or others please fill out this form.

We hope to see a diverse group of nominees step forward, and especially would like to see more men volunteering.  In SY23 there were no men on the board of the HSA.  It's 2023 folks!

Nominations will be accepted between May 5th and May 24th.  We will be hosting a coffee chat over Zoom to discuss the roles on May 12th at 9 a.m.  Principal Isaac will be attending this meeting.  Please register for the coffee chat  here.

To learn more about the HSA Board, please review descriptions of the officer positions in the bylaws here.  You can read about our LSAT on the SWW website, or generally about LSATs in DCPS via this link.

Questions? Please reach out ot the Nomination and Elections Committee: 

Gina Anderson
Jane Tobler
Esperanza Roman-Mendoza 

Maan Sacdalan